Facts about Manner AG's company history and annual reports.
Our website has a lot of interesting and useful information about the company Josef Manner & Comp AG as well as its products and The “Investor Relations” section, where you will find annual reports and other publications, might be of particular interest. These are only available in German.
For sustainability reasons, we only produce a very small number of printed annual reports and therefore cannot send any copies for perusal.
Where can I buy merchandise products?
Our merchandise products are on sale in every Manner Shop and flagship store. No Manner Shop in your area? No problem, you can easily order our merchandise products online via our distribution partner Austrian Supermarket
I would like to receive product samples.
We are delighted that you want to try our products, but for reasons of fairness we don't ship samples as a rule.
The Facebook pages of our brands like Manner, Casali or Dragee Keksi, often have sweepstakes where you can win fantastic product bundle prizes.
You can also order Manner, Casali or Dragee Keksi products online via the Austrian Supermarket website:
How can I get my Manner wafer personalized?
You can get personal messages printed for family and friends, different occasions or for colleagues through our sales partner Austrian Supermarket.
You can find more information via the following link:
How can I participate in the latest sweepstakes?
Is the sweepstake link not working or do you need help with the instructions? You can contact us via our contact form and we will be happy to assist.